Run your active test cases

You should have number of active tests in your test suite by now. They are on.

To check if there are any bugs in your new build or in production preventing your users from operating your app, you will have to run the tests.

1. Trigger a test run

To run all active tests instantly click run all and then in app. This will trigger a test run resulting in a test report visible in the Octomind app. We run the tests in parallel to make sure they run completes under 20 minutes, regardless of the number of your active test cases.

Useful for branch deployments - you can run your tests against any other accessible URL. Select in app on a different URL instead.

Run your tests for the first time - screenshot 07/2024

We also “run” a test cases when you save changes to a test you have edited. We validate the test itself to see if it’s not broken. This doesn’t mean it will run automatically when you trigger a test run. You have to turn the test case on.

2. Understand test results

Every test run will produce a test report where you will see all test results. They will tell you if everything runs as it’s supposed to or if something is broken.

Go to the test report section to learn about test reports.

3. Why is a test red?

Red signals the test has failed. This might have 3 reasons:

  1. You have a bug in your app We will pinpoint you to exact moment where it broke. Swipe through the report snapshots or launch the trace viewer for more details. For an even more precise debugging, we created the open source Debugtopus to use locally on your machine.

Snapshots in test reports showing what happened during the test run, 7/2024

Launch trace viewer for more test run details, 7/2024

  1. The test is broken End-to-end tests tend to break when anything in the app changes. This is not just annoying, but a major time investment.

    We can fix it for you. This feature in included in Octomind’s paid tiers.

Example of a broken test reflecting a change in user flow, trace viewer screenshot 7/2024

  1. The test is flaky Flaky tests produce different results when running the exact same test case. We are deploying multiple strategies to fight flakiness, but it can’t be prevented 100% of the time just yet.

Schedule regular test runs

The point of software testing is to test regularly. You can schedule tests by clicking the schedule button in the project overview. This is a great strategy for synthetic monitoring of your app in production.

Scheduling test runs 7/2024

Test timeout

You can use the global step timeout in the environment settings to shorten the timeout between steps if you want to run the tests faster. Our default is 30 seconds. This option should be enjoyed with caution - it can lead to more frequent failures due to timing issues.

global settings timeout in environment settings, 03/2025

Trigger test runs via curl command

If you do not use pipelines and want to manually trigger the test execution from outside our app, e.g. from your terminal, you can do it with a cURL command. Learn how.

Trigger test runs from your CI

Integrating our tests to your CI pipeline is a great way to make sure you didn’t break the app with new releases. Learn how to integrate Octomind into your CI/CD.

Test sharding

Use tags to filter and shard test execution. Organize your test suite and split test runs into smaller chunks which can all run in parallel!

test sharding with tags, screenshot 03/2025

Run your tests locally

Octomind tests are written in standard Playwright code. You can download it an run the test locally. This is how you use our open source Debugtopus to do so.