Whenever the AI agent generates tests for user flows on your page, or when the test runner executes the tests - we are sending requests to your application.

To ensure a well defined behavior all requests are sent through 3 fixed IP addresses -, (Europe proxy) and (Australia proxy).

AI generation

AI agent generates test cases based on user flows on your site in a similar way a human would use your web application. However, most of the time the agent interacts with the website slightly faster than a human would. Also, test case generation can be run in parallel.

Test runner

When you “run all” tests or a scheduled run occurs on a given test target, all active test cases are run at once and with up to 20 parallel browser sessions. This can lead to either an overload of your application or a rate limiter getting active, if you have one in place.

Login / Authentication

If your application requires a login, the configured test user is used for the AI test case auto-generation as well as for the test runs. This could also lead to hitting a limit of allowed logins, depending on your login system. If you are using a 3rd party login service, there are most likely security configurations in place that prevent users from logging in too frequently.


While Octomind supports a login with a one time password (OTP), it might run into a limit on how often the same OTP code can be used for login.

Rate limiter

If your application is protected against DoS Attacks with a rate limiter it is very likely that Octomind test runs and/or AI generation will fail. The easiest solution is to configure an exception for our IP addresses: (US proxy), (Europe proxy) or (Australia proxy) for white listing.