Test execution
Test reports
Retrieve paginated information about test reports
Allow fetching the history of test reports for your test target.
curl --request GET \
--url https://app.octomind.dev/api/apiKey/v2/test-targets/{testTargetId}/test-reports \
--header 'X-API-Key: <api-key>'
"data": [
"id": "826c15af-644b-4b28-89b4-f50ff34e46b7",
"testTargetId": "3435918b-3d29-4ebd-8c68-9a540532f45a",
"createdAt": "2024-09-06T13:01:51.686Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-09-06T13:01:51.686Z",
"executionUrl": "https://en.wikipedia.org/",
"status": "WAITING",
"context": {
"source": "manual",
"description": "manual trigger",
"triggeredBy": {
"type": "USER",
"userId": "2e2bb27b-a19c-47ce-a9b6-cd1bd31622dc"
"testResults": [
"id": "826c15af-644b-4b28-89b4-f50ff34e46b7",
"testTargetId": "3435918b-3d29-4ebd-8c68-9a540532f45a",
"testCaseId": "5b844cf1-d597-4048-9e74-7c0f9ce3e2ee",
"createdAt": "2024-09-06T13:01:51.686Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-09-06T13:01:51.686Z",
"status": "WAITING",
"errorMessage": "TimeoutError: locator.click: Timeout 30000ms exceeded.",
"traceUrl": "https://storage.googleapis.com/automagically-traces/826c15af-644b-4b28-89b4-f50ff34e46b7-trace.zip"
"key": {
"createdAt": "2024-09-06T13:01:51.686Z"
"hasNextPage": true
Path Parameters
ID of the test target for which to fetch the history for
Query Parameters
The timestamp of the key of the next page to fetch - See Keyset Pagination
The name of the property to filter for, e.g. an environmentId
How to compare the property in question, only EQUALS is supported so far.
The value to compare with to find matches.
Unique identifier for the test report.
The unique identifier of the test target.
The timestamp when the test report was created.
The timestamp when the test report was last updated.
The URL where the test execution was performed.
The status of the test report, will be WAITING as long as any result is running, FAILED if the report is done but has any failed result and PASSED if all test results are done and successful
The source of the test trigger.
The description of the test context.
"manual trigger"
Unique identifier for the test result.
Unique identifier of the test report this result belongs to.
Unique identifier of the test case this result belongs to.
The timestamp when the test result was created.
The timestamp when the test result was last updated.
The status of the specific test result, will be WAITING as long as the result is running, FAILED if the execution failed, PASSED if it succeeded, and ERROR if an internal error occurred.
The error that has occurred during execution - only set if the status is FAILED or ERROR.
"TimeoutError: locator.click: Timeout 30000ms exceeded."
Link to the playwright trace of the test execution - only set once the test result is finished (PASSED or FAILED).
The timestamp of the key of the next page to fetch - use this in the query when fetching the next page of reports - See Keyset Pagination
If the query in question has another page to retrieve
curl --request GET \
--url https://app.octomind.dev/api/apiKey/v2/test-targets/{testTargetId}/test-reports \
--header 'X-API-Key: <api-key>'
"data": [
"id": "826c15af-644b-4b28-89b4-f50ff34e46b7",
"testTargetId": "3435918b-3d29-4ebd-8c68-9a540532f45a",
"createdAt": "2024-09-06T13:01:51.686Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-09-06T13:01:51.686Z",
"executionUrl": "https://en.wikipedia.org/",
"status": "WAITING",
"context": {
"source": "manual",
"description": "manual trigger",
"triggeredBy": {
"type": "USER",
"userId": "2e2bb27b-a19c-47ce-a9b6-cd1bd31622dc"
"testResults": [
"id": "826c15af-644b-4b28-89b4-f50ff34e46b7",
"testTargetId": "3435918b-3d29-4ebd-8c68-9a540532f45a",
"testCaseId": "5b844cf1-d597-4048-9e74-7c0f9ce3e2ee",
"createdAt": "2024-09-06T13:01:51.686Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-09-06T13:01:51.686Z",
"status": "WAITING",
"errorMessage": "TimeoutError: locator.click: Timeout 30000ms exceeded.",
"traceUrl": "https://storage.googleapis.com/automagically-traces/826c15af-644b-4b28-89b4-f50ff34e46b7-trace.zip"
"key": {
"createdAt": "2024-09-06T13:01:51.686Z"
"hasNextPage": true